I think you will know my face by now if not I’m Lucy. I to have had my own journey with fitness which I will share with you bellow. On this platform we have slowly broken away from the traditional before and after photos and merged into our community profiles from time to time you will see our members dotted about Facebook and Instagram. Their faces are the real transformations not just their body but what lies in between their ears and the smiles across their faces. Our transformations are more than just how people physically see us they are how we see our selfs, achievements physically as many have achieved their first full press up, pull up and a body weight back squat. For others we started exercise for the first time, we created a habit from a small seed of motivation. We have overcome struggles with food and exercise we have built up over many years. Your biggest transformation is within your self not just the photos of one stage to another. Here’s to another epic year of breaking the fitness mould’s and moving away from the normality of health and fitness and doing what feels fucking good…
When I first started the gym I would train 6 days a week doing bodybuilding type style workouts to sculpt my body the way I wanted it to look. Starting crossfit changed all this for me, I got addicted to lifting weights and becoming stronger, fitter, faster the best version of me I could be. I still chase that goal every time I come into the gym but now, it's about my performance; how well I can perfect my movements and how I can get better. I'm always chasing new personal bests and faster times.
It's true though that with athletics comes aesthetics, because without realising it my body has been changing and adapting because of the type of training I'm doing. I don't check my weight and look at my body and look for things I want to change. I look at it and see how strong and amazing it is.
I also don't look at my weight and automatically think I have to diet to achieve a certain stature. I look at my food and think how can I build a better engine through my diet to improve my performance? I use food as my fuel which means eating more and having more freedom with what I eat. I make changes and improve daily without chasing a number on the scale. I love my strength, my food and how they're changing me for the better.
I'm building the best me with the strongest community around me.